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Dumbledore Management: When your manager isn't relaying critical information


"Ah yes, of course, I haven't told you," said Dumbledore

Warning: Contains spoilers to the Harry Potter series.

One of the most notable parts of the Harry Potter series is that Harry might have ended up dead at the end of book 7, as Snape notes in his conversation with Dumbledore. Dumbledore kept Harry alive "to be sacrificed at …

You are not paying your "offshore" staff enough to compete


TL;DR If you are evaluating everyone using the same framework (even if you are adjusting for income) it's unlikely that your less-payed will ever be competitive. This is not because they do not produce good work: It's social and psychological effects that have an enormous and compounding effect …

Factorio DevOps lessons


This awesome paper indicates that for the chemical industry, there was a need to create a game scenario for participants to understand how the optimal strategy behaves over longer periods of time. The paper is awesome, however, the lessons are …

The invisible sabotage part 1


Smart people sabotage their competition in ways that most common people find hard to follow or comprehend. Even other smart people might find it hard to follow the ways they are being sabotaged. Hence, raising awareness of these matters levels the playing field.

Most DEI initiatives seem to miss …

Psychological failures and high-availability: Knowledgeable engineers and scientists horrible at execution


This is an unfun thing to write, but I need to be able to also remind myself about the objective criteria for failure and success and not the bullshit peddled by the current ruling class. When failures happen so rarely, it is tempting to cover them up, which is …

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