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Using post-quantum cryptography kyber / ML-KEM (X25519MLKEM768) using Open Quantum Safe library and HAProxy


Google recently published a new blog post on Kyber. Let's try getting ML-KEM / Kyber working in Google Chrome 131 and Firefox Nightly 133.

OpenSSL 3+ exposes an API for SSL-providers that allows us to only compile the provider instead of having to recompile the application itself.


liboqs is a research project, while it aims to work and become production-ready, it's primarily there to test new algorithms.

For a production deployment you will likely want BoringSSL or an alternative SSL library.

Dependencies on Fedora 40

sudo dnf -y install astyle gcc python3-pytest openssl-devel
sudo dnf -y install python3-pytest-xdist unzip libxslt graphviz python3-yaml valgrind
sudo dnf -y install doxygen ninja-build cmake
sudo dnf -y install git

Install HAProxy with:

sudo dnf -y install haproxy

I would highly recommend creating a new build user and compiling under that user:

adduser build
passwd build
su - build
gpasswd -a build wheel

The install steps can then be run with sudo or by switching to the root user.

Compiling and installing liboqs

Clone the liboqs repository with:

git clone

Create a build directory:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake -GNinja ..
ninja -j $(nproc)

Once it's compiled run:

sudo ninja install

Compiling and installing oqs-provider

By the time you are reading this, this pull request might be merged and the associated issue closed. If they are, you can just do git clone instead. However at the time of writing the branch that works correctly in browsers is the following:

git clone -b bhe-hybridreverse
cd oqs-provider
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -S ..
cmake --build .

The OpenSSL provider will then available in: /home/build/oqs-provider/build/lib/

Create a new directory to hold the ssl-providers:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/haproxy/ssl-providers/
cp /home/build/oqs-provider/build/lib/ /etc/haproxy/ssl-providers/

Configuring HAProxy

Edit /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg and add the following lines in the global section of the configuration:

     ssl-provider-path /etc/haproxy/ssl-providers/
     ssl-provider oqsprovider

Add or modify a SSL-enabled bind line similar to the following:

bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/pki/haproxy alpn h2,http/1.1 curves x25519_kyber768:X25519MLKEM768:x25519:secp256r1:secp384r1

X25519MLKEM768 is the new variant of kyber that is going to be supported going forward in Google Chrome 131+.

Run a configuration check with:

haproxy -V -c -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg

Reload HAProxy with:

systemctl reload haproxy

Screenshots from Google Chrome dev release (131)

"Google Chrome X25519MLKEM768"

Screenshots from Firefox Nightly (133.0a1)

"Firefox X25519MLKEM768"

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